Are You Still Sharing MyKad Copies via Chat Apps?

How are you not afraid?

Here's Why Malaysians Are Concerned

Identity Fraud is on the Rise

Unsecured MyKad copies can be used to impersonate users to make fake claims, create dummy accounts or commit fraud.

This is hurting both businesses and consumers. Even large corporations struggle with this.

Privacy is Not Guaranteed

Data privacy is ensuring that your MyKad copy is used for its intended purpose.

Are you confident that’s the case — especially when copies are freely given to recruiters, money lenders, insurance agents, etc?

Senders Give Up Control Over Their Data

Even if you send a trusted party a copy of your MyKad, are you confident that it will be kept safe

Are you sure it’s not duplicated, within a folder/album that is password locked, on a device that nobody else can easily access?

The more secure alternative

VaazMe's Certified Verification Report

More trustworthy & privacy-friendly than MyKad copies.

Hover over / click labels for more details.
Secure Watermark

Low-resolution MyKad copies with destructive watermarks, making the report more resistant to replication.

Genuine MyKad

Ensuring the MyKad is genuine (not fake, or doctored) using bank-grade eKYC technologies.

Liveness Detection

Prevent spoofing attacks such as using printed photos, 3D masks etc, using bank-grade liveness detection technologies.

Facial Matching

Using AI technologies to ensure MyKad profile photo matches user selfies.

Auto Data Extraction

(Optional) Senders can censor personal details to authenticate themselves without revealing sensitive information. Useful for low-value transactions.

Authentication Results

Failing VaazMe verification means that there's a risk that the sender has tried to use false methods to authenticate themselves.

Transaction Details

Both parties can have detailed metadata of the VaazMe report, making it easy to track its viability and purpose.

Remove Your Data

Senders or recipients can choose to remove the VaazMe report from our servers whenever.

Authenticity Check

Users can scan the QR code or submit the certificate number to verify the authenticity of the VaazMe Report, ensuring it's not a fake copy.

MyKad Copies

  • Easily manipulated with photo-editing tools
  • Non-destructive watermark
  • Inconsistent formatting (camera, file format etc.)
  • No access protection
  • Unverifiable source

VaazMe Report

Sample VaazMe Report
  • Hard to manipulate
  • Destructive watermark
  • Consistent formatting
  • Reports are password protected
  • Senders required to perform liveness check
  • VaazMe report easily removable via app
  • Can be used to authenticate without revealing MyKad information

Benefits of VaazMe Report

  • Reduce spoofing risk

    Requester is more certain that sender is not a bot, scammer, or fraud.

  • Reduce unauthorised use of MyKad copies

    Sender is more certain that requester can't use his/her MyKad for illegitimate reasons.

  • Restrict access to authorised users

    Sender is more certain that only the requester has access to his/her personal details.

  • Increased digital trust

    Helps users facilitate transactions through better trust management.

  • Receive a certified & verified VaazMe Report

    Users are certain that the VaazMe report is not doctored or edited.

  • Improved audit trail

    Transaction details provide a clearer picture of how the VaazMe report is used.

How to use VaazMe

Using VaazMe is easy — just follow these simple steps!

How Safe is VaazMe?

Who We Work With

VaazMe is built in consultation with Malaysian official government entities.